Ghost Stories & Tragic Tales
GHOST HUNTS are here!
​Local and international paranormal investigators investigate here often.
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Abilene has long been reputed to be the most haunted place in Kansas. Given its long and at times tumultuous history, it's not hard to understand why. Many hearts were broken, fortunes ruined, and lives lost since the early settlers braved the harsh wilderness to settle in the area known as Mud Creek. More than a few cowboys are said to roam the streets of Old Abilene Town forever, possibly after a shootout with the sheriff or being caught cheating in a card game. The first town marshal, Thomas James "Bear River" Smith, was killed in the line of duty, being shot, hit in the head with the butt of a rifle, and then his neck chopped with an axe. The next marshal, James Butler Hickok (better known as "Wild Bill" Hickok) was a notorious gunslinger who sent more than a few lawbreakers to the undertaker, when he wasn't playing poker in the local saloon. Be sure to visit the old graveyard on 14th Street!
Regarding the mansion, one previous owner went literally insane while living in the home, claiming the house was "very active." Conrad Lebold himself built this beautiful mansion in 1880 and went bankrupt in 1889. The mansion has sat abandoned for much of its life while owner after owner went bankrupt. For most of its existence, it was converted to multiple apartment rooms for tenants, to include a "Girls Club" for single female telephone operators and a boys' orphanage. Hundreds of people have lived here (and many have died here) from all walks of life. Three people who do not know each other spent the night at different times and reported doors opening and slamming for no reason. One young lady said her blanket was ripped off of her at around midnight, but no one was around. A large piano was moved when no one was around. The piano bench has tended to roam around the house, as well. It is said that when the property was turned into apartments for female telephone operators, one of them died here and her spirit never left. A caretaker who was tending to the property between owners passed away while sleeping in the maid's quarters. It is said he still looks after the place.
Once enshrouded in a dark cloud of heavy depression and despair (according to past visitors), all agree the Lebold Mansion is now filled with a calming spirit of love and light. Professional and amateur paranormal sleuths regularly investigate the mansion, with varied results. No results have been more touching than the events reported on the evening of July 23, 2022. It was Isabella B’s 19th birthday, and for her present, her dad and a family friend brought her (with a ton of rather expensive equipment) for a night of ghost hunting in the mansion. She left early because she had an amazing experience that could not be topped. She said they contacted her deceased mother who actually sang Happy Birthday to her. Isabella was very emotional and beyond thrilled.The dad cried. Whether or not you believe in ghosts, something very positive, beautiful, and healing occurred here that evening that helped to change a young girl's life.
The spirits seem to be very protective of the house. They don't like anything to be broken or disturbed, so do be careful. No visitor has ever felt threatened, as long as they were respectful. During one visit, two ladies were standing in the foyer, chatting about the house. Inexplicably, both of them felt the need to move at exactly the same time. As soon as they did, the chandelier they had been standing under crashed to the floor on the very spot they had just left. Whether the spirits were being protective or playful, no one was hurt and disaster was averted--except for the destroyed chandelier (which was not original). During a visit to the 1858 dugout in the basement, one lady became overwhelmed with emotion, couldn't breathe, and began crying uncontrollably until she stepped out of the room, insisting nothing like that had ever happened to her before. She was completely fine after that.
HAUNTED KNIGHTS PARANORMAL (HKP) has visited several times to investigate and opens most investigations to the public.
GHOST CLUB PARANORMAL visited and created a great introductory video on YouTube.
THE TIPSY GHOST had a fun time in the mansion in February 2024. These three ladies are the best of friends and proud Swifties. It was a blast hosting them.
FLINT HILLS PARANORMAL conducted the first known investigation at the Lebold Mansion on Saturday, February 26, 2022. Investigators were impressed with the results and reported a lot of activity. Electronic sensors identified movement throughout the home, including what appeared to be two human figures dancing in the family room.
Welcome and thanks to Jarrod and Shelly Wharry, who were the first official guests to spend the night in the Victorian Splendor room (other than one of the cats, who occasionally sneaks in). The pair also dabble in ghost hunting and reported having a conversation with several spirits who answered questions by turning their flashlight on and off. The Wharrys are a truly delightful couple and I look forward to keeping in touch with them in the future. They donated a framed dollar bill folded into a bow tie shape that sits prominently on the dining room fireplace mantle.